Friday, June 5, 2015


I listen to my music really loud
loud enough to shake the frame
of my small car and
the frame of my body that
sometimes feels small.
And in that overwhelming sound
all the thoughts I want to fade do.
They disappear with a quickness
into the intrusive waves that swell
within my ears.

The music is deafening
in that way-
flooding the seashells on my head
into selective silence.
My self examination ceases-
propelled into the periphery
like my reflection in
a disrupted puddle.

I listen to my music really loud
so patterns of thought are broken
enough for me to move through them
into something else.
My mind moves involuntarily
like when I'm shaken at the shoulders
stirred from that transient state where
I've been staring at myself.
That brutal self study, you know
where you look at all your parts
with carnival mirror vision.

I listen to my music really loud
so that my autopsied body hops
off the examination table

unhindered by a heavy head.

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